

We use Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos, Teaching Strategies Gold to create individualized learning experiences that promote school readiness and foster social-emotional, cognitive, and physical growth. We plan transitions to ease the transition as your child enters or leaves the Early Head Start Program and other community services.

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®)

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) is an observation instrument that assesses the quality of teacher-child interactions in center-based preschool classrooms. CLASS® includes three domains or categories of teacher-child interactions that support children’s learning and development: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support. Within each domain are dimensions that capture more specific details about teachers’ interactions with children.

Social Emotional Support

Start by partnering with parents to explain why developmental screening is so important, introduce ASQ, and address any concerns they might have. Once parents complete the questionnaires, ASQ makes it easy for you to score them and interpret the results. Then sit down with parents to share what the screener revealed, plan next steps, and give them tips and strategies for encouraging their child’s progress.